Our Latest Articles
How Low Can You Go?
Greg and Kevin know the answer to that…and we’re not talking about Colog’s logging capabilities in...
Our fearless leaders, Mike Culig (left) and Greg Bauer (2nd from left), recently took some much...
Nevada Water Resources Association Workshop A Success
On June 13, 2018 Colog was represented by Nolan Welsh at the Nevada Water Resources Association’s...
Yes! we will be there June 6-8th. Come by the booth and say hello to Grey Bauer and Daniel...
New Western Regional Manager Named
Daniel Wothers-O’Neal has been tapped as Colog’s new Western Regional Manager. An employee since...
Yes! we’ll be there
Let us know if you’ll be at the 123rd annaul meeting of the American Exploration and Mining...
Need a CPR or First Aid Class?
Periodically, Colog’s Health and Safety Manager, Catie O’Neil, will host a class for CPR and First...
COLOG will be attending SAGEEP 2016
COLOG will be attending the SAGEEP annual conference and expo March 20-24, 2016 at the Denver...
COLOG Opens Arizona Office
COLOG has opened an office in Arizona to better serve clients who have projects in and around the...