Hydrophysical Logging, Optical Televiewer, Density, Neutron and a Full Suite of Geophysical Logging Along With Wireline Straddle-Packer Testing for Fracture Evaluation and Flow Characterization
Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL
COLOG has been part of a long-term, comprehensive geophysical and hydrophysical logging program designed to deliniate the preferential flow-pathways in a fractured limestone at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL. The objective of the logging is to use televiewers to identify fractures and their orientation in 3D space, standard geophysical methods to characterize lithologic boundaries, hydrophysical logging to identify which fractures produce water under ambient and stressed conditions and wireline straddle-packer testing to verify permeabilities obtained from hydrophysical loggign and to collect fracture-specific groundwater samples to map a contaminant concentrations, if any, both vertically and horizontally.
In support of these objectives COLOG has performed Hydrophysical, optical and acoustic televiewer and geophysical logging program in 58 wells at Redstone Arsenal concluding with a comprehensive, integrated report including interval-specific permeabilities and FEC, fracture density and orientations, in-situ rock velocity properties and lithologic and hydraulic evaluation and extrapolation site-wide.
Our data is used for contaminant transport and remediation modeling. Horizontal flows were identified and quantified and converted to specific discharge values in the aquifer. Packer sample locations were identified in each boring and, after well construction was completed, a comprehensive cement bond log (CBL) program was performed in 49 of the wellbores.