by COLOGadmin | Dec 8, 2018 | Geotechnical Projects
Colog collected optical and acoustic televiewer data at five locations on top of a mountain near Idaho Springs, CO, off westbound I-70. Plans are to widen the interstate from two lanes to three to accommodate additional westbound travelers. I-70 will be reconfigured...
by COLOGadmin | Dec 8, 2018 | Geotechnical Projects
Acoustic Televiewer (ABI) logging was performed in three horizontal boreholes in the underground shaft at Lake Mead National Park, Boulder City, NV. Because the boreholes were ejecting water between 150 to 450 GPM, the ABI was deployed utilizing a proprietary...
by COLOGadmin | Dec 8, 2018 | Geotechnical Projects
COLOG acquired a tailored suite of geophysical logs, including nuclear logging and P-S Suspension logging, from a jack-up barge 20 miles off the coast of Maryland. The geotechnical investigation modeled the rock-strength properties of soft sea floor sediment providing...
by COLOGadmin | Mar 10, 2015 | Geotechnical Projects
Optical Televiewer (OBI) Logging for the US Army Corps of Engineers Haysi, VA COLOG logged several borings for the USACE in association with a proposed dam site for structural integrity and fracture analysis. The OBI logging was conducted as an alternative to acoustic...
by COLOGadmin | Mar 10, 2015 | Geotechnical Projects
Comprehensive Geophysical Logging Including: Cross-Hole Sonic Logging (CSL), 3-D MULTI-OFFSET Tomography (CSLT), and Gamma-Gamma Density Logging (GDL) Case Foundation/AZDOT, Tucson, AZ COLOG performed CSL and GDL to evaluate the integrity of 4-foot and 6-foot...
by COLOGadmin | Mar 10, 2015 | Geotechnical Projects
Acoustic and Optical Televiewer Imaging and Geophysical Evaluation in Coreholes for the US Bureau of Reclamation Denver, CO COLOG was contracted to collect high resolution borehole image data for fracture evaluations in support of site-specific structural and...