Underground Mine, Elko, Nevada
COLOG conducted a full Hydrophysical Logging (HpL), optical televiewer logging and wireline Straddle-Packer (WSP) program in 14 HQ and NQ-sized coreholes for fracture-flow evaluation in support of a dewatering study.
The logging program was performed with both truck-mounted equipment and portable equipment to achieve all the objectives in a challenging work environment. The optical televiewer was used to identify fractures and project their orientation in 3D space, The Hydrophysical Logging was performed to evaluate which fractured produced water under ambient and pumping conditions and to produce fracture-specific permeabilities. The WSP was used to further verify the fracture-specific permeabilities and to obtain fracture-specific heads.
The scope of performance included a comprehensive, integrated report including interval-specific permeabilities and FEC and fracture density and orientations. Site-wide hydraulic conclusions were drawn using the acquired data. Our data was used in support of an underground dewatering study.